Index of names (O–Z)

Oakfield, Margret (née Berg) 310, 319, 320, 321
OakÞeld, Patricia 310, 321
OakÞeld, Ralph see Alon, Ralph
OakÞeld, Trude (née Weis) 28, 219, 310
meets Bill 330-1
World War II (interviewed) 322-31
Oakfield, William (Bill) (born Werner Oppenheim) 28, 122, 123, 124, 129, 154, 183, 219
changes name 317-18
interviewed 310-22
meets Trude 330-1O’Neal (Lieutenant?) 259
Oppenheim family 21, 67, 69, 92
(Heidelberg) 98-100
(Oppenheim) 102-4, 189
Oppenheim, Abraham (rav Avraham) Solomon 25, 67, 105, 106-7, 110, 119
Oppenheim, Abraham Solomon,
lineal 200, 202, 204
Oppenheim, Alfred, lineal 200, 201
Oppenheim, Alfred (Dr) 119, 132, 150, 151, 178, 313
Oppenheim, Alice see Horn, Alice
Oppenheim, Bertha 313
Oppenheim, Birgitte (Gitel) (née Heineman/Bückeburg) 105, 106
lineal 202, 204, 205
Oppenheim, David Julius 197, 289
lineal 199
Oppenheim, Deborah Ruth see Burfitt, Deborah Ruth
Oppenheim, Ernst 31, 67, 161, 180-98, 310
analysis of Scandinavian responses to World War II 188-91
childhood 181-4
lineal 199, 200
meets Ruth 195-7, 308-9
military experience 185-8
moves to USA 191-2
photographs 27, 120, 140, 141, 142, 150, 152, 161, 162, 165, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 190, 193, 195, 196, 198
retirement 197-8
United Nations experience 192-4
university training 184-5
World War II (interview) with Edith Lesh 228-38
with Gerda Vandenberg 269-80
with Hans Pasch (son of Julius) 255-69
with Heiman Vandenberg 280-8
with Hilde and Hans Pasch 220-8
with Marianne Rey (née Pasch) 239-55
with Ruth and Gerda Pasch 214-15
with Ruth Oppenheim 289-310
with Trude OakÞeld 322-31
with William OakÞeld 310-22
Oppenheim, Eve Miriam see Allen, Eve Miriam
Oppenheim, Frederikke (Rikke) (née Wulff) 109
Oppenheim, Gerson (Oppenhejm) 118
Oppenheim, Gitel 107
lineal 202
Oppenheim, Hedwig (née Wallach) 123, 124, 129, 219, 310, 343, 343
Oppenheim, Hendrich (Herman) 105
lineal 204
Oppenheim, Hermann 109, 204
Oppenheim, Jane Valerie see Neal, Jane Valerie
Oppenheim, Jeanette (née Magnus) (third wife of Abraham Oppenheim) 107, 119
Oppenheim, Jeanette (Nettchen) Sheva (née Wolff) 22, 23, 24, 25, 106, 119, 120, 121, 130, 137, 160
lineal 200-1, 202
photographs 140, 141, 162, 165, 200
Oppenheim, Jente d’ 103
Oppenheim, Lea (née Hirsch) 107
lineal 202
Oppenheim, Löw 99
Oppenheim Martha 119, 138, 151, 321-2, 340 lineal 200, 201
Oppenheim, Martin (Openshaw) 119, 121, 321 lineal 200, 201
Oppenheim, Meyer 105
lineal 204
Oppenheim, Moses 67, 105
lineal 204, 205
Oppenheim, Moses d’ (Rabbi) 103
Oppenheim, Moses (son of Salomon and Birgitte) 105
lineal 204
Oppenheim, Rechle d’ 103
Oppenheim, Rudolph, lineal 200, 201
Oppenheim, Rudolph (son of Abraham and Sara) (born 1857),
lineal 202
Oppenheim, Rudolph (son of Salomon and Jeanette) (1885-1944) 119, 121-9, 122, 123, 151, 160, 219, 310, 342, 343
Oppenheim, Ruth (née Pasch) 49, 55, 171, 172, 177-8, 179, 198, 334
Kristallnacht 214, 215
letter from Hans 262-3
lineal 199, 200
meets Ernst 195-7, 308-9
photographs 27, 168, 175, 176, 179, 195, 196, 198, 205, 297
World War II (interviewed) 289-310
World War II (mentioned in interviews) 220, 222, 223, 229, 234-5, 236, 238, 244, 248, 251, 252, 253, 259, 266, 267, 270, 271, 273, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280
Oppenheim, Salomon ben Moses (1765-1819) 67, 104, 105-6, 112, 333
lineal 202, 204, 205
Oppenheim, Salomon (Sally) (rav Shlomo) (Zalman) (1856-1928) 22, 23, 24, 25, 67, 107, 119-21, 121, 130, 137, 160
lineal 200, 201, 202, 206, 207
photographs 119, 120, 140, 162
Oppenheim, Sara (née Szell) 107, 119
lineal 200, 202, 204
Oppenheim, Sorlin 99-100
Oppenheim, Valerie Antonie (née Breit) (Vally) 22, 133, 155, 158-63, 180-1, 340
lineal 199, 200, 201
photographs 26, 119, 133, 141, 142, 151, 157, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165
Oppenheim, Werner see Oakfield, William
Oppenheim, Wolff 107, 120
lineal 202
Oppenheim, Wolfgang (Benjamin) (Max) (Wolly) 22, 119, 121, 130-42, 160, 163, 180, 310, 312, 340
lineal 199, 200, 201
meets Ruth 309-10
photographs 26, 119, 120, 130, 131, 133, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 148, 149, 151, 162, 165, 181, 182, 183, 184, 187
Oppenheimer, Abraham (brother of Samuel Oppenheimer) 101
Oppenheimer, Abraham (son of Samuel Oppenheimer) 101
Oppenheimer, Emanuel 101
Oppenheimer, Feist Löw 99
Oppenheimer, Frummet, bas Abraham Ballin (wife of Samuel Oppenheimer) 101
Oppenheimer, Frummet (daughter of Samuel Oppenheimer) 101
Oppenheimer, Issachar Süsskind 100
Oppenheimer, Jacob, report 79-83
Oppenheimer, Joseph Süss (Jud Süss) 100-1
Oppenheimer, Michael 95, 99
Oppenheimer, Michaela 100
Oppenheimer, Moses 101
Oppenheimer, Nathan (son of Samuel Oppenheimer) 101
Oppenheimer, Samuel 91, 100, 101
Oppenheimer, Samuela (daughter of Samuel Oppenheimer) 101
Oppenheimer, Sandela bas Manoach Carcassone 101
Oppenheimer, Wolf 99
Oppenheimer, Wolf (father of Samuel Oppenheimer) 101
Oppenheimer, Wolf (son of Samuel Oppenheimer) 101
Oppenhejm, Ellen 333
Oppenhejm, Gerson (Oppenheim) 118
Oppenhejm, Inger (née Warburg) 118, 333
Oppenhejm, Kaj 333
Oppenhejm, Melanie 333
Oppenhejm, Morits 105, 129, 333
Oppenhejm, Ralph 333
Otter, Göran von 189
Outhwaite, Ben 24
Pahn, Chava (Eva) (mother of Pinchas Peine),
lineal 207, 208
Pahn, Elias,
lineal 208
Pahn, Ephraim,
lineal 208
Pahn, Feibisch,
lineal 208
Pahn, Isaac (father of Pinchas Peine),
lineal 207, 208
Pahn, Jacob,
lineal 208
Pahn, Liebman,
lineal 208
Pahn, Liepmann,
lineal 208
Pahn, Pinchas see Peine, Pinchas
Pahn, Ranche (née Heilbut),
lineal 208
Parra, Juan de la 98Pasch family 220-1
Pasch, Adolf 221
Pasch, Alois 166
lineal 201
Pasch, Anna 220
lineal 201, 203
Pasch, Carol 220
Pasch, Clara 166
lineal 201
Pasch, Derek 255
Pasch, Dita (née Loewenstein) 255
Pasch, Edith see Lesh, Edith
Pasch, Ema 166, 345
lineal 201
Pasch, Emanek 166
lineal 201
Pasch, Emil 166, 222, 344, 345
lineal 201
Pasch, Emma (née Schneider) 22, 55, 97, 98, 171, 172-8
lineal 199, 200, 202
photographs 26, 129, 150, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 179
World War II (mentioned in interviews) 214, 219, 233, 254
Pasch, Friedrich 168
Pasch, Fritz 166, 167, 217, 222, 235, 267
lineal 201
Pasch, Gerda see Vandenberg, Gerda
Pasch, Gina 166, 344, 345
lineal 201
Pasch, Grete (sister of Hans Pasch) see Smetena, Grete
Pasch, Grete (wife of Karl Pasch) 222
Pasch, Gustav 166, 222, 344
lineal 201
Pasch, Hans (husband of Hilde) 153, 178, 237, 240, 256, 268
World War II (interviewed) 220-8
Pasch, Hans (son of Julius brother of Hilde) 171, 172, 177, 337
letter to Ruth 262-3
lineal 200
photographs 168, 175, 176, 179, 260
World War II (interviewed) 255-69
World War II (mentioned in interviews) 223, 224, 236, 237, 274, 279, 291, 293, 303, 305, 308, 309
Pasch, Hermina 166
lineal 201
Pasch, Hilde 171, 176-8
lineal 200
photographs 153, 166, 169, 170, 173, 175, 176, 179
World War II (interviewed) 220-8
World War II (mentioned in interviews) 235, 237, 240, 241, 252, 254, 256, 266, 268, 280, 291, 293
Pasch, Ignatz 166, 166, 221, 238, 338
lineal 200, 201, 203
Pasch, Ilse see Zadek, Ilse
Pasch, Jakob,
lineal 203
Pasch, Joseph (Dr) 221
Pasch, Judy 255
Pasch, Julius 22, 55, 166-72, 174, 176-8, 219, 344
Kristallnacht 214, 217
lineal 199, 200, 201
photographs 26, 150, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174, 179, 201
World War II
mentioned in interview with Edith Lesh 232-3, 234, 235, 237, 238
mentioned in interview with Gerda Vandenberg (née Pasch) 272, 276,279-80
mentioned in interview with Hans and Hilde Pasch 221-2
mentioned in interview with Hans Pasch 268
mentioned in interview with Marianne Rey 250, 253, 255
mentioned in interview with Ruth Oppenheim 289, 293, 305, 306, 307, 308
Pasch, Karl (brother of Julius Pasch) 166, 167
lineal 201
Pasch, Karl (cousin of Julius Pasch) 221-2
Pasch, Katharina (née König) 166, 201, 338
lineal 200, 201
World War II (mentioned in interviews) 268, 269, 271, 273, 279-80, 293, 305, 307
Pasch, Käthe (née Geiringer) 221, 222
Pasch, Lisa 255
Pasch, Ludwig 166, 171, 344, 345
lineal 201
Pasch, Marianne (Janne) see Rey, Marianne
Pasch, Marie (wife of Oscar Pasch, b.1900) 345
Pasch, Marie (wife of Otto Pasch, b.1892) 345
Pasch, Martha 344
Pasch, Moses 203, 220, 221
lineal 201, 203, 204
Pasch, Oscar 166, 345
lineal 201
Pasch, Otto 166, 345
lineal 201
Pasch, Pawel 345
Pasch, Pessel 203
lineal 203, 205
Pasch, Ria (née de Lauge) 255
Pasch, Ruth see Oppenheim, Ruth
Pasch, Steven 179, 255
Pasch, Susan 255
Peine, Esaias Nathan,
lineal 204-5, 206, 207
Peine, Feibisch, lineal 206
Peine, Henriette see Wolff, Henriette
Peine, Henriette (Hendel) bat Hirsch Salomon Seligman (née Henriette Hendel bat Hirsch Salomon Seligman; 1722-1827),
lineal 205, 206, 207
Peine, Isaac Esaias 108-9
lineal 202, 204, 205, 206
Peine, Johanna (Hannchen) see Szell, Johanna
Peine, Nathan Philip (father of Esais Nathan Peine),
lineal 206, 207
Peine, Nathan (son of Esais Nathan Peine),
lineal 206
Peine, Pinchas (son of Isaac and Eva),
lineal 206, 207, 208
Peine, Prive see Lazarus, Prive
Peine, Rachel (Ritsche) (née Cohn) 108-9
lineal 202, 205, 206
Peine, Sara (née Leidesdorff),
lineal 206, 207, 208
Peine, Seligman,
lineal 206
Percival (house master) 311
Perel (wife of Liwa ben Bezalal) 95
Peter (Bishop of Posen) 94
Peterzén, Harry 134, 135
Petrus (apostle) 75
Philip II (King of Spain) 70, 80
Pichler 61
Pincus, Jeanette see Moses, Jeanette
Placcius, Vincentius (Professor) 77
Plaut, Max (Dr) 127, 128
Polak, Jakob 93
Pollack, Heinz 224
Pollak, Adolf 62
Pollak, Emanuel 57, 58, 59, 60
Pollak, Hugo 63
Pontoppidan, Henrik 112
Popper 216, 217
Posamentir, Jakub (cantor) 61
Posamentir, Otto 63, 64
Post, Einar von 188
Pranner, Trude 248
Privat, Edouard 40
Propanter 240
Pulgar, Hernando del 98
Rachel, daughter of Isaac bar Ascher 14
Ranzu, Heinrich 67
Rashi see Salomon ben Isaac
Rasmussen, Alice 333
Rasmussen, Jörgen 333
Rath, Ernst von 123, 213, 322
Reiner family 61
Remond (historian) 31
Rey, Marianne (Janne) (née Pasch) 112, 171, 176-8, 234, 235, 238
lineal 200
photographs 168, 175, 176
World War II (interviewed) 239-55
World War II (mentioned in interviews) 234, 235, 238, 266, 273, 275, 278, 280, 287, 291, 294, 303
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 320
Richert, Arvid 188
Ried 226
Rivka (wife of Rabbi Feivel Teomin, daughter of Arie Loew ben Zecharia Mendel) 93, 147
Rose, Maurice (General) 261
Rosenstein, Fritz 217
Rosenthal, Berthold 95, 99, 100
Rottenburg, Dan 94
Roubicek, Hanus 336, 337, 338
Roubichek, Gertrude (Trude) (née Schneider) 64, 275, 334-8
Roubichek, Zdenek 337
Rudolph (Prince) 100
Ruzek, Emil 345
Ruzek, Emma see Schneider, Emma (née Ruzek)
Ruzek, Ernst 336Ruzek, Grete 336
Ruzek, Karl 336
Ruzek, Valerie 336, 345
Rzeszowsky, Johann (Bishop) 93
S-Fide, Hieronymus de 75
Sagma 319
Salazar, António de Oliveira 334
Salomon bar Simeon 4
Salomon ben Issac (Rashi) (of Troyes) 94
Salomon ben Jechiel Luria see Luria, Salomon ben Jechiel
Salomon (father of Michaela Oppenheimer) 100
Salomon, Julius 110
Salomon (King) 144
Salomon (son of Gerson Isaac),
lineal 206
Samuel bar Naaman (Rabbi) 16
Samuel (mar) the elder, son of Rabbi Mordechai 15
Samuel (Rabbi) 93, 147
Sandbar, Samir 193
Sanders, Irving 193
Saul ben Heschel (Rabbi) 93, 147
Scheftel ben Jesaja (Rabbi) 91
Scherira ben Chananja 96
Schindler, Ilse 277
Schlossberger (Baronesse) 61
Schmelkes, Samuel ben Jacob (Rabbi) 95
Schneider, Babicka Bertha 336
Schneider, Bertha (née Klein) 169, 172, 202, 253-4, 336, 342, 348, 348
lineal 200, 202, 203
Schneider, Emma see Pasch, Emma
Schneider, Emma (née Ruzek) 335, 345, 346, 346, 347
Schneider, Eva (née Hitchmann),
lineal 202, 203
Schneider, Fanny (née Neumann) 336, 342, 348
Schneider, Gertrude see Roubichek, Gertrude
Schneider, Jakob 169, 171, 172, 173, 173, 202, 205, 253-4
lineal 200, 202, 203
Schneider, Lilly 335, 336, 337, 346, 347
Schneider, Marka see Krasa, Marka
Schneider, Mascha 172, 275
lineal 202
Schneider, Milan 172, 222, 335, 337, 346, 346, 347
lineal 202
Schneider, Moses 98
lineal 201, 203
Schneider, Otto 172, 336, 342, 348
lineal 202
Schneider, Simon 56
Schneider, Vera 336
Schnurmann 217
Scholz, Trautel 248
Schrager 217
Schuct, Johan Jacobus 69-78
Schuppius (Dr) 71, 72
Schwabacher, Isaac S. 68
Schwarz, Max 62
Schwarz, Richard 217
Schwarz, Viktor 217
Seckel, Heinz 236, 308, 309
Seidel, Mrs 215, 271-2, 291-2
Seiden, Ernst 134
Seidenwerg, Leo 324
Seligman, Henriette (Hendel) Hirsch Salomon see Peine, Henriette (Hendel) bat Hirsch Salomon Seligman
Seligman, Hirsch Salomon,
lineal 206, 207
Sella, Gad Hugo 214, 217, 218
Sellers, Peter 324
Senior, Mr 70
Sennacherib (Assyrian King) 5
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur (Gauleiter) 219, 323
Shephatiah (child of King David) 94
Sheva, called Jeanette daughter of rav Shlomo 25
Shrentzil, Gitel 93
Shrentzil, Mordechai (Rabbi) 93
Sigismund I (King) 93, 97
Simcha (Rabbi), son of Rabbi Isaac 8-9
Simon, M.(consul) 235
Simon (of 16 Cassel Street, Hamburg) 73
Simon (son of mar Moshe bar Chelbo) 15
Sirka (mother of Joel ben Samuel Jaffe Sirkis) 96, 147
Sirkin family 96
Sirkis, Joel ben Samuel Jaffe (Rabbi) (the Bach) 91, 93, 96-7, 146, 147
Smetena, Grete (née Pasch) 273
Smetena, Hans 273
Soboul, Albert 40
Söderblom, Staffan 189
Spanne (Dr) 213, 214
Spielberg, Otto, report by 84-7
Spindel (Ing.) 217
Spira, Samuel 94
Spira, Solomon (or Schapira) (of Heilbron) 94
Stauffenberg, von (Count) 189
Stern, M. 3
Stiassny, Benjamin 57, 60
Stiassny, Filip 58
Stiller (Dr) 61
Stobbe, Otto 19
Streicher, Julius 320
Struad (Czech nazi) 337
Strumpf, Zvi Hirsch (Rabbi) 145-6
Stumpf 126
Sugihara, Chiune 333-4
Süsskind (son of Löw Oppenheim) 100
Szell, Johanna (Hannchen) (née Peine) 22, 119, 204
lineal 202, 204, 206
Szell, Meyer (father of Moses Meyer),
lineal 205, 207
Szell, Moses Meyer,
lineal 204, 205, 207
Szell, Raphael,
lineal 205
Szell, Raphael Moses,
lineal 202, 204
Szell, Sara (mother of Salomon Oppenheim) see Oppenheim, Sara
Szell, Sara (née Asch),
lineal 204, 205, 207
Tarschys, Bernhard 106
Teomin family 97
Teomin, Feivel (Rabbi) 93, 147
Tessin, Angelica 77
Texeira, Manuel 71, 72, 77-8
Theresia, Maria 34
Titus (son of Vespasianus) 72
Toledo, Fernan Alverez de 98
Tonningen, Ross van 286
Traub (cantor) 61
Trenker, Louis 168
Trescow, Henning von (General) 189
Treves, Joseph (Rabbi) 94
Treves, Mattathia 94
Tsvi Hertz ben [?] Yosef Wertheimer 25
Turtletaub (two members of family) 217
Umberto (King) 238
Urban II, Pope 3
Valentina bas Salomon ben Jechiel Luria (wife of Rabbi Ephraim of Brisk, and daughter of Rabbi Salomon ben Jechiel Luria) 94
Vandenberg, Adolf 288
Vandenberg, Fred 269, 280
Vandenberg, Fritz 288
Vandenberg, Frouke (née Cohen) 280
Vandenberg, Gerda (née Pasch) 171, 172, 177-8
Kristallnacht 214-15
lineal 200
photographs 168, 175, 176
World War II (interviewed) 269-80
World War II (mentioned in interviews) 229, 234, 248, 253, 259, 262, 265, 266, 289, 290, 291, 292, 294-6, 299-302, 303, 304, 305, 307
Vandenberg, Heiman 255, 269, 277
World War II (interviewed) 280-8
Vandenberg, Jacob 280, 287
Vandenberg, Jacqueline 269, 280
Vandenberg, Jeffrey 269, 280
Vandenberg, Rosa see Cohen, Rosa
Vendel, Karl-Yngve 188, 189
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet 102
Wagenseil, Mr 74
Wallach, Hedwig see Oppenheim, Hedwig
Wallenberg, Raoul 334
Warburg, Inger see Oppenhejm, Inger
Wasserstein, Bernard 255, 258
Watts, Lynn 97
Webber family (London) 324
Wedeles, Benedikt (Rabbi) 64
Weicher, Paulus 75
Weigel, Katharina 94
Weis, Else (née Goldberger) 322-7
Weis, Julius 322, 323-9
Weis, Trude see OakÞeld, Trude
Weisman, Willy 321
Weissenhorn, Arendt (formerly Aron Moses),
lineal 207
Weizman, Chajim 223
Werblowski, Susie 233
Williams, Carol (née Katz) 239
Williams, Eesha 248
Wills 243, 250-1
Wohl, Moric (Rabbi) 59
Wohlers (of Hamburg) 128
Wolf, Lazarus (Oppenheimer) 99
Wolf, Salman (Oppenheimer) 99
Wolff, Henriette (née Peine; 1833-1901) 22, 108, 119
lineal 201, 202, 205
Wolff, Jacob, lineal 202
Wolff, Jeanette Sheva see Oppenheim, Jeanette Sheva
Wolff, Mathilde,
lineal 202
Wolff, Rahel,
lineal 202
Wolff, Salomon 108, 119
lineal 200, 202
Wolff, Wolff, lineal 202
Wollin (secretary of Swedish Mission) 192
Worheiger 274Wrangel (General) 78
Wreschner (Rabbi) 118
Wreschner, Rebekka 112-48
Wulf (father of Getta),
lineal 207
Wulf, Getta see Moses, GettaWulff, Caroline (née Kantor) 109
Wulff, Franz Ferdinand Ahlefeldt Laurig 111
Wulff, Frederikke (Rikke) see Oppenheim, Frederikke
Wulff, Joseph Karl 109
Wulff, Kalman Abraham 109
Wulff, Sara (née Ber) 109
Wulff, Teodor Ulysses 111
Wulff, Wilhelmina Josephina 111
Wulff, Wulff Joseph 109-12
Wülffer, Joh. 71, 74
Wunder, Meir (Rabbi) 92, 96, 97
Yafe, Samuel (Jaffe?) 147
Zachariaszowicz, Lewek see Loew ben Zecharia Mendel, Arie
Zadek, Ilse (née Pasch) 217, 242-3
Zajtschek, Zibrid 63
Zelenka, Moses 57
Zevi, Salman (Rabbi) 74
Zipora (wife of Rabbi Meschulam bar Isaac) 8
Zvi, Shabbati 92