Note: ‘Lineal’ indicates information about lineal connections and, where known, additional information such as dates of birth and death, etc.
lineal 207
Abrams, Israel 22
Ahnsdorff 274
Akiba (Rabbi) 16
Alexander, Anna 319
Alexander Biskind ben ‘[?] in Torah’ rav Nahum Yetel Hirsch 25
Allen, Davis (son of Eve Miriam Oppenheim) 197
Allen, Eve Miriam (née Oppenheim) 197, 198, 289
lineal 199
Allen, Glen (son of Eve Miriam Oppenheim) 197
Allwoiden, von (senator) 126
Alon, Danit 129, 154
Alon, Keren 129, 154
Alon, Linda (née Cheyette) 28, 154
Alon, Ralph (Ralph Oakfield) 28, 129, 154, 310, 321, 331
Alon, Tal 129
Alstadt 226
Altona, Gütchen (née Levy),
lineal 209
Altona, Jacob,
lineal 209
Altona, Juda Loeb,
lineal 209
Altona, Loeb,
lineal 209
Altona, Meir Samuel,
lineal 209
Altona, Prive,
lineal 208, 209
Altona, Rechel,
lineal 209
Altona, Samuel ben Jehuda,
lineal 209
Altschul, Antonia (née Kohn) 203
lineal 201, 202, 203
Altschul, Antonia (née Meller) 155
Altschul, Josef 155
lineal 201, 202, 203
Altschul, Moses 155
Amschel (second husband of Sorlin Oppenheim) 99
Amschel (son of Sorlin and Amschel) 99
Andemichael, Berhanykun 193
Arnold, Gottfrid 71
Aron (son of Rachel) 14
Asch (father of Sara Asch), lineal 207
Asch, Sara see Szell, Sara (née Asch)
Astor (Rabbi) 315
Azulai family 97
Bamberger, Jitzchak Dov Seligman (Rabbi) 144
Baruch bar Isaac (Rabbi) 10
Baschko, Zvi Hirsch (Rabbi) 81
Basnage, M. 73-4
Basus family 335
Bauer, Adolph 56
Bauer, Albert 56, 57, 58, 60
Bauer, Karl 216
Bauer, Lazarus 56
Bauer, Löwy 56-7, 60
Bauer, Marek 58, 60
Bauer, S. 63
Bauer, Wilhelm 216
Beck, Herman 61, 62
Beck, Jakub 57
Beck, Salomon 57, 60
Becvar, Jan 56
Behrens, Carl 110
Beinush, Benjamin 92
Bella (daughter of Isaac Moses),
lineal 206
Bella (daughter of Rachel) 14
Benedikt, Jakub 56
Bennett, George 193
Benzian, Rolf 236, 308
Ber, Hendelche (née Joseph) 109
Ber, Israel (Rabbi) 109
Ber, Sara see Wulff, Sara
Berend, Mato (Malchen) see Cohn, Mato
Berend, Samuel 108
lineal 206, 207
Berent, Sigurd 333
Berg, Margret see Oakfield, Margret
Berg, Robert 319
Berg, Sinai (Rabbi) 106, 107
Berger (Dr) 177
Berger, Leo 312
Berger, Richard 216
Berlinger, Senta (Mrs J. Buck) 290
Bernadotte, Folke 189
Bernart, Haim 97
Bevan, Aneurin 244-5
Bevan, Jennie (née Lee) 245
Bloch, E. (Dr) 228
Blumenkranz, Bernhard 40
Boedels, Lemen 282
Bohaemus, Abraham Judeus 96, 97, 147
Bohaemus, Isak 147
Bohaemus, Joseph 147
Bohaemus, Mordechai (Lebush) 147
Bohaemus, Moses (of Bologna) 147
Bohaemus, Moses (of Krakow) 147
Boheman, Eric 188, 189
Bolivar, Simon 327
Bona Sforza (Queen) 93, 97
Bondova, Rosalie 62
Bondy, Abraham 56
Bondy, J. 63
Bondy, Kopelman 56, 60
Bondy, Moric 59, 60
Bondy, Rubin 57, 60
Bonn, Arthur 150, 162
Brach 227
Brand, Mr 257
Brassay family 231-2
Bräune bat Abraham,
lineal 205
Breit family 97
Breit, Allan L. 158
Breit, Alphons 151, 155, 157, 158
lineal 201
Breit, David (Rabbi) 143, 145, 146, 148
lineal 202, 205
Breit, Ella see Kohn, Ella
Breit, Eric 158
Breit, Haim (Rabbi) (father of Leiser) (1826-84) 91, 93, 143-8, 155
lineal 201, 202, 205
Breit, Hanna (née Meller) 155
lineal 201, 202
Breit, Hugo 155, 157, 158
lineal 201
Breit, Leopold (Leiser) 146, 148, 155-8, 156
lineal 200, 201
Breit, Malvine (née Altschul) 155, 158, 201
lineal 200, 201, 202, 203
Breit, Valerie Antonie see Oppenheim, Valerie Antoine
Brenz, Samuel Friederich 74
Bresslau, H. 4
Brock, Adolf 55, 63
Brüll, Franz 217
Brüll, Josef 217
Brüll, Rudolf 217
Buck, J. (Senta Berlinger) 290
Bückeburg, Abraham,
lineal 205
Bückeburg, Bräune (Breinche) (also Heinemann),
lineal 105, 204, 205, 207
Bückeburg, Chajim Gerson 105
lineal 205
Bückeburg, Gerson (also Heinemann) 105, 106
lineal 205
Bückeburg, Gerson Isaac,
lineal 205
Bückeburg, Hena,
lineal 205
Bückeburg, Jette,
lineal 205
Bückeburg, Michel,
lineal 205
Bückeburg/Heinemann, Birgitte (Gitel) see Oppenheim, Birgitte
Buono 217
Burfitt, Deborah Ruth (née Oppenheim) 197, 198, 289
lineal 199
Burfitt, Matthew (son of Deborah Ruth Oppenheim) 197
Burfitt, Timothy (son of Deborah Ruth Oppenheim) 197
Bush, George 193
Buxtorsio, Joh. 76
lineal 206
Chamberlain, Neville 185, 290, 312
Chelbo (son of mar Moshe bar Chelbo) 15
Cheyette, Linda see Alon, Linda
Christian V (King of Denmark) 109
Christina (Queen of Sweden) 71, 77-8
Churchill, Winston 317
Cohen, Frouke see Vandenberg, Frouke
Cohen, Joseph 282, 283, 286, 287, 288
Cohen, Rosa (née Vandenberg) 282, 283, 286, 287, 288
Cohn, Leib, lineal 206, 207
Cohn, Mato (née Mato (Malchen) bas Samuel Berend) 108
lineal 205, 206, 207
Cohn, Rachel (Ritsche) see Peine, Rachel
Cohn, Selig Leib 108
lineal 205, 206
Columbus, Christopher 327
Cooper, John Fenimore 191
Cordovero, Moses 96
Davis family 294
Davoust, General 108
del Monte, Horatius (Count) 77
del Monte (Marquis) 77-8
Deschner, Karlheinz 3
Deveaux, Carrie 198
Diamant (two members of family) 217
Dietz, Alexander 21
Dittmar, Count 5
Doan (Colonel) 261
Dollfuss, Engelbert 219, 225
Drach, Emanuel 101
Dubsky, Richard 62
Duxneuner, Hermann 213, 214
Dvorakova, Antonia 61
Edzardus, Sebastianus (son of Esdras) 77
Ehrlich, Kurt 311
Eichmann, Adolf 225
Eigruber, Linz. 225
Einhorn, Jerzey 332
Eisenmenger (judophobic text author) 101
Eisler, Anna see Klein, Anna
Eisler, Johana,
lineal 203, 205
Eisler, Moses 203
lineal 205
Elasar bar Jehuda 4
Elazar (Rabbi) 93, 147
Eleuter (soldier) 78
Elieser bar Nathan 4
Eliezer ben Israel 96
Elisabeth, Barbara 77
Elisabeth (duchess of Schweidnitz) 93
Ellenbogen (friend of Julius Pasch) 238
Emden, Jacob 92
Emicho (crusader) 11
Ephraim bar Jacob 4
Ephraim (Rabbi) (of Brisk) 94
Ericsson, John 191
Ester (wife of Rabbi Saul ben Heschel, daughter of Arie Loew ben Zecharia Mendel) 93, 147
Ettlinger, Fritz 99
Ettlinger, Schlomo 104
Exardus see Edzardus
Eybeschutz, Jonathan (Rabbi) 92
Ezardus see Edzardus
Ferdinand II, Emperor 33
Ferdinand (King of Spain) 97, 177
Fink, Elecriora see Meller, Elecriora
Fischel family (of Cracow) 93-4
Fischel, Chwalka (Falka) 93
Fischel, Ephraim 93
Fischel, Ephraim (Rabbi of Brisk) 93
Fischel, Ephraim (Rabbi) (father-in-law of Arie Loew ben Zecharia Mendel) 91
Fischel, Ephraim (Rabbi of Ludmir) (son of Arie Loew ben Zecharia Mendel)93, 147
Fischel, Ephraim (son of Moses, grandson of Ephraim) 97
Fischel, Franczek (Ephraim) 93
Fischel, Moses (Rabbi of Cracow) 93-4
Fischel, Rasska Mojzesowa 93
Fischel, R. Loew see Loew ben Zecharia Mendel, Arie
Fleiss, Erwin 213
Frank, Alexander (Dr) 59, 60
Frank, I. 55
Frank, J. Salomon 57
Franz II, Emperor 35
Franzelin (Dr) 213
Freund, J. 63
Fuchs (Dr) 230
Fulda, Gumpel 98
Fürst, Moritz 108
Fürst, Moses 108
Fürst, Rachel 108
Gerson Isaac (son of Isaac Moses),
lineal 206, 207
Gerstein, von (SS Major) 189
Gitel (wife of Rabbi Samuel of Woydyslaw, daughter of Arie Loew ben Zecharia Mendel) 93, 147
Gjellerup, P.M. 112
Glaser (Griffith) 318
Glückner, G. 63
Goethe, Johann W. von 160
Gold, Hugo 55
Goldberger, Else see Weis, Else
Goldenberg 292
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah 4
Göring, Hermann W. 320
Götsch (Gestapo Commissar) 128
Graetz 20
Graubart, Richard 216
Graubart, Sigfrid 223, 224, 226
Greiffswald 72
Grieshaber (Private) 316
Griffith (Glaser) 318
Grossman, Kurt 333
Grunwald, Max 101, 103
Gustav, Karl X 67
Halberstadt, Ritsche see Leidesdorff, Ritsche
Halberstadt, Wolf, lineal 208
Haller, Leopold 58-9, 60, 63
Hameln, Glückel von 109
Hammarskjöld, Dag 194
Hanavi (Rabbi Zecharia Mendel) 92
Hanna (wife of Isaac Moses) see Moses, Hanna
Hanna (wife of Moses, mother of Isaac),
lineal 207, 208
Hansson, Per Albin 189
Harbleicher, Moses 79
Harster (Dr) 218
Hartman, Vietor (Preceptor) 74
Havel, Václav 338
Hedek (the tailor) 59
Heilbut, Elieser Liebman,
lineal 208
Heilbut, Hindchen,
lineal 208
Heilbut, Isaac,
lineal 208, 209
Heilbut, Jacob,
lineal 209
Heilbut, Josef Josua Feibelmann,
lineal 208, 209
Heilbut, Moses Jacob, lineal 208, 209
Heilbut, Prive (née Altona) 208
Heilbut, Ranche see Pahn, RancheHeine, Heinrich 160
Heinemann, Gerson see Bückeburg, Gerson
Heinemann/Bückeburg, Birgitte (Gitel) see Oppenheim, Birgitte
Heinemann/Bückeburg, Bräune see Bückeburg, Bräune
Hellmann, Abraham 58
Hellmann, Elias 57
Hellmann, Gabriel 57, 60
Hellmann, Ignace 57, 58, 60
Hermann, Johan Franz v. 31
Hermann, Johan Franz von 37
Herz, Moses Isaac, report 79-83
Heschel, Joshua (Rabbi) 92
Hess, Rudolf 320
Heydrich, Reinhold 177, 214, 335-6
Hill (Major) 320
Hilton-Jones (Captain) 317
Himmler, Heinrich 225
Hirsch, Lea, see also Oppenheim, Lea
Hirsch, Tzvi (Rabbi) 93
Hitchman, Hedi 338
Hitchmann, Eva 98
lineal 202, 203, 205
Hitchmann (father of Eva),
lineal 205
Hitchmann, Josefine 205
lineal 203, 205
Hitler, Adolf 182, 185, 189, 219, 225, 226, 228, 239, 253, 261, 265, 268, 270, 280, 281, 282, 289, 290, 301, 319, 323, 329, 332
Hitzla bat Magnus (Menachem), lineal 208, 209
Hochhut, Rolf 332-3
Hofer, Andreas 266
Holiday, Morris (Moses Jontefssohn) 318
Holofernes (Assyrian commander) 85
Holzer, Hanna see Levy, Hanna
Holzer (Rabbi) 321, 322
Hörbigen 274
Horn, Alice (née Oppenheim) 119, 121, 340
lineal 200, 201
Horn, Irmgard 121, 340, 340, 341
Horn, Karl 121, 340, 341
Horner, Simon 57, 60
Horowitz family 97
Howard (Major) 316
Huestic (consul) 282, 285
Hughes 240, 242-3
Isabella (Queen of Spain) 97, 177
Israel (1300-1360) 96
Israel ben Meir 96
Issac, Abraham 98
Issac (father of Rashi) 94
Issac, Moses,
lineal 206
Jedlinski, Marek (Rabbi) 59, 62, 63
Jehuda bar Isaac, (Rabbi) 10
Jeshyrun 75
Johann Albert (King) 93
Jontefssohn, Moses (Morris Holiday) 318
Josef (Dr) 221
Joseph, Gitche (née Nathan) 109
Joseph, Henrik 109
Joseph II 35
Joseph (son of Sorlin and Amschel) 99
Joshua 72
Judah ben Nathan 94
Judith 85
Karl Alexander (Duke) 100
Karl Ludwig (Prince of Pfalz) 100
Kasimir IV (King) 93
Katz, Bronek 178, 239, 240-2, 243-4, 245, 249, 250, 253, 302-3
Katz, Carol see Williams, Carol
Katz, Marianne see Rey, Marianne
Katz, Michael 239, 246, 250
Kauders, Marie, recipes and table etiquette 45-54
Kern, Isak 57
Kidder (Bishop) 74
Kisch, A. (Rabbi) 171, 174
Klauber, Isaac (Rabbi) 147
Klausner family 91
Klausner (Rabbi Zecharia Mendel) 92
Klein, Anna (née Eisler) 98
lineal 202, 203, 205
Klein, Bertha see Schneider, Bertha
Klein, Hans 97, 98, 177
Klein, Jakob 98
lineal 202, 203
Klein, Salomon 58
Klein, Sigmund 342
lineal 203
Kohn, Antonia see Altschul, Antonia (née Kohn)
Kohn, Ella (née Breit) 155, 157, 158, 320, 321, 340
lineal 201
Kohn, Franz 340, 341
Kohn, Paul 217
Kompert family 168
König, Katharina see Pasch, Katharina
Koppers 276
Krasa, Marka (née Schneider) 336, 342, 342
Krasa, Vera 336, 342, 342
Kraus, Arnost 62, 63
Krieser 217
Kumlin, Ragnar 189
Kurzhändel, Löbl 74
Lazarus, Charlotte Sheva (Steiber) see Moses Charlotte
Lazarus, Loeb Levin (Steiber),
lineal 206, 207
Lazarus, Prive (née Peine),
lineal 206, 207
Lazarus, Salomon (Leiser Steiber),
lineal 206, 207
Lazarus, Sophie,
lineal 206, 207
Lebosh, Arie (Rabbi) 93
Lebosh, Jochered 93
Lederer, Zibrid (Dr) 60, 61, 62, 63, 64
Lee, Jennie see Bevan, Jennie
Lehndorf (Dr) 264
Lehndorff, Heinrich von 189
Leidesdorff, Alexander Menachem,
lineal 208
Leidesdorff, Menachem,
lineal 208
Leidesdorff, Moses Alexander,
lineal 207, 208
Leidesdorff, Ritsche (née Halberstadt),
lineal 207, 208
Leidesdorff, Sara see Peine, Sarah
Leidesdorff, Zippora,
lineal 208
Lemmel, Asher 93
Leon, Judah Sir (of Paris) 94
Leopold I (Emperor) 101
Lesh, Edith (née Pasch) 171, 172, 176-8
lineal 200
photographs 168, 169, 175, 176
World War II (interviewed) 228-38
World War II (mentioned in interviews) 239, 241, 242, 249, 254, 265, 273, 280, 291
Lesh, Markus 228
Lesh, Matthew 237
Lesh, Michael 228
Lesh, Norman 228, 236-7
Lesh, Peter 228
Levai (Rabbi of Prague) 92-3, 94, 147
Levy, Gütchen see Altona, Gütchen
Levy, Hanna (née Holzer) 321
Levy, Jonathan,
lineal 209
Levy, Mrs (née Rosenthal) 326
Levy, Otto 321
Lewandowski, Josef 189
Lindenberg, Carl 321
Lindenberg, Sophie 321
Lipka (mother of Valentina) 94
Lloyd George, David 223
Loew family 97
Loew ben Zecharia Mendel, Arie (Rabbi Loew Fischel) (Hohe Rabbi Loew of Cracow) (Lewek Zachariaszowicz) 91-3, 94, 96, 145, 146, 147
Loew, Chajim (grandfather of Judah Loew Ben Bezalel) 95
Loew (Hohe Rabbi of Cracow) see Loew ben Zecharia Mendel, Arie
Loew, Jacob (Rabbi) (son of Chajim) 95
Loew, Liwa Ben Bezalel 92, 95
Loew, (Löw), Juda (Hohe Rabbi) (the Maharal) 33, 92, 93, 94, 95, 147, 237
Loew, Yuta Arie 93, 94, 146
Loewenstein, Dita see Pasch, Dita
Loftus John 332-3
Löw, Salman (Oppenheimer) 99
Löw, Sorlin 99
Löwy, Aron 57, 60
Löwy, Isak 57
Löwy, Leopold 57, 60
Löwy, Michael 57
Luria, Aaron (Rabbi) 147
Luria, Abraham 94
Luria, Aharon 94
Luria, Jechiel 94
Luria, Jechiel (died Brest Litovsk 1470) 94
Luria, Nathaniel 94
Luria, Salomon ben Jechiel (Rabbi) (the Maharsal) 94, 146-7
Luria, Samson 94
Lurie family 97
Lurje, Solomon Löeb 56
Luther, Martin 19
Luzatto, Simon 70
Maharsal, the see Luria, Salomon ben Jechiel
Mainz, Lord of 9
Malm, Sara (Tim Tam) 110-11
Mandler, Emanuel 59
Mannerheim, Gustav (Field Marshal) 191
Margoshis, Eliezer (Rabbi) 145
Marks, Alfred 324, 325
Mato (Malchen) bas Samuel Berend see Cohn, Mato
Matrona (daughter of Rachel) 14
Maximilian (Emperor) 147
Maximilian (King of Bohemia) 97
May, Karl 191Mayer, F.F. (Dr) 69, 70, 73, 76
Mecklenburg (of Hamburg) 128
Meir ben Israel 96
Meisel 217
Meller, Abraham 155
Meller, Antonia see Altschul, Antonia
Meller, Aron 155
Meller, Elecriora (née Fink) 155
Meller, Elisabeth 155
Meller, Hanna see Breit, Hanna
Meller, Moses 155
Mendel, Zecharia (Rabbi of Belz) 93, 147
Mendel, Zecharia (Rabbi of Brest Litovsk and Crakow) 92
Mendel, Zecharia (Rabbi of Posen) 92, 94, 147
Mendes do Amaral e Abranches, Aristide de Sousa 333
Mentes, Joh. Frider. 72
Meschulam bar Isaac (Rabbi) 8
Michaels, Mr (of US State Department) 285
Minna 9
Miriam (daughter of Rashi) 94
Mode, Bertil 183
Montefiore, Moses (Sir) 146
Mordechai ben Moses Jaffe 96
Moses day the crown of Israel fell 11
exodus 85
law of 41, 42, 43
Torah 7
Moses, Aron (subsequently Arendt Weissenhorn),
lineal 207
Moses of Bologna 147
Moses of Krakow 147
Moses ben Eliezer (of Bologna) 96, 96-7
Moses (father of Isaac Moses),
lineal 207, 208
Moses (son of Abraham Judeus Bohaemus) 97
Moses (son of Sorlin and Amschel) 99, 100
Moses, Charlotte Sheva (née Lazarus Steiber),
lineal 202, 204, 206
Moses, Gerson see Isaac, GersonMoses, Getta (née Wulf),
lineal 206, 207
Moses, Hanna (wife of Isaac Moses),
lineal 206, 207
Moses, Heshel,
lineal 206
Moses, Hindel,
lineal 206
Moses, Isaac (father of Gerson Isaac),
lineal 206, 207
Moses, Jacob Levy,
lineal 204, 206
Moses, Jeanette (née Pincus),
lineal 204
Moses, Josef,
lineal 207
Moses, Leopold,
lineal 204
Moses, Levi,
lineal 206, 207
Moses, Louis,
lineal 204
Moses, Moritz,
lineal 204
Moses, Rahel,
lineal 204, 206, 207
Moses, Salomon (b.1786),
lineal 206
Moses, Salomon (b.1822),
lineal 204
Moses, Siegfried,
lineal 204
Moses, Wolff,
lineal 202, 204, 206
Moshe bar Chelbo (mar) 15
Moshe ben Maimon (RAMBAM) 44
Moss family 313
Motz, Freddie 285
Mountbatten, Louis 317
Mozart, Wolfgang A. 327
Müller, J. 63
Müller, Johan (Dr) 70
Mussert (head of nazi Socialist Bund) 286
Mussolini, Benito A. A. 290
lineal 199
Neal, Rebecca (daughter of Jane Valerie Oppenheim) 197
Neale, Dorli (née Pasch) (cousin of Ruth Oppenheim) 306
Nero (Emperor) 31
Neubauer, A. 3
Neuman 215, 271-2, 291-2
Neumann, Fanny see Schneider, Fanny
Neumann, Isak Michal 56, 60
Nichol, Davidson 193